Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (2025)


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Nov 1, 2023 8:27 AM




Nov 2011


Kitasan is more motivated than ever, probably among the most competitive character in the show. Then again, a lot of characters have strong work ethic this season it seems.

She truly wants to prove to herself and everyone around the world. And th, I think she can still improve herself even more.

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Nov 1, 2023 8:28 AM




Feb 2020


Go go Kitasan! It's great to see her getting such a nice character development.

I really like the rivalry between her and Duramente.

Wow. River Light really surprised everyone! It was cute how happy she became. ^_^ Congratulations!

SerafosNov 2, 2023 1:02 AM

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (4)

Nov 1, 2023 8:56 AM




Apr 2014


Nice boat uhh... I mean nice race.
Duramente's physical was very serious and worrisome at this point. It will definitely affect her racing career. Which will lead to .....

AkeZZZNov 1, 2023 9:01 AM

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (6)

Nov 1, 2023 9:30 AM




Feb 2021


A horseshoe is a symbolizes luck so I guess a broken horseshoe is a sign of bad luck. Poor Dia-chan. Or all Satonos for that matter. And I wonder if this happened irl too or not.
GOLD SHIP IS STILL HERE! ...wait why is she here lol. I guess she can still attend Tracen Academy even if she doesn't participate in the same races as everyone else.
I find it cool how Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe has a unique Japanese name: 凱旋門賞 (gaisenmonshou)
Every episode I keep getting surprised like: "Wait, we're getting the race already?"
Duramente got an injury again it seems...
Good episode again

Unrelated to the episode: I searched around for a drawing of Kitasan to set as my pfp but they all just kinda blend with all the warm colors when I size them down to the size of a profile picture. But looking at drawings of her was fun, I found some really good ones.

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (8)

Nov 1, 2023 9:37 AM




Apr 2010


Kinda expected someone who wasn't in the spotlight to win this one but it resulted in Deramente and Kitasan getting closer which was nice.
Hope the Satono girls will win something as well since it's kinda sad than they cant get over their hurdle.
Anyway it's a nice episode.

Nov 1, 2023 9:44 AM




Dec 2021


The long awaited Takarazuka Kinen hm.

After winning the Emperor's Prize (Spring) and gradually gaining confidence, Kitasan hears the news that Duramente will also be racing in the next Takarazuka Kinen. Her hard-earned confidence is shaken. Encouraged by members of Spica, Kitasan regains a positive outlook. However, she unexpectedly comes face-to-face with Duramente.

Hm, so Sasaki held great admiration for Cheval's mother, Halwa Sweet, a horse born without a tail but known for its impressive running abilities. Consequently, Sasaki went on to acquire all of her offspring. Additionally, he has a penchant for naming his horses with the letter V incorporated somewhere in their names, inspired by his fondness for the letter, as it represents the initial letter in the word "victory".

This preference also extends to Cheval, who sports a hat adorned with the letter V.

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (11)

Nov 1, 2023 10:29 AM




May 2015


Another typical Uma Musume episode, thought this end was pretty unexpected.

Nov 1, 2023 10:32 AM


There is lost and there is that foreigner guy lost.

Twin Turbo having a raincoat, but deciding not to put the hood.

A dark horse won. Literally and figuratively.

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (14)

Nov 1, 2023 10:47 AM




Jan 2015


I guess they decided to switch race timelines a bit for better narration. I can live with that.

Nov 1, 2023 11:11 AM





Apr 2018


I like Kitasan and Duramente's relationship in the end, meanwhile River Light really won the race xD

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (16)

Nov 1, 2023 11:40 AM




Oct 2014



International Saimoe League

Nov 1, 2023 12:13 PM




Jan 2009


I forgot the episode aired today lol
Lots of Duramente talking this episode and poor Kitasan being "who are you" by Duramente lol

Funny that the minor character won (and was still cheering on during the whole race ending)
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (18)


Nov 1, 2023 12:38 PM




Aug 2020


once again a great episode, i was expecting that and that's why i love this anime

otakuweek on insta for News /recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

Nov 1, 2023 1:40 PM




Jan 2015


Next episode is gonna be a massive banger it seems.

Nov 1, 2023 2:02 PM




Mar 2019


Congratulations River Light, I never doubted you!🥇

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (20)

Nov 1, 2023 2:40 PM




Nov 2016


After River Light's cheers of joy I can't be mad that she won.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 1, 2023 2:46 PM





Dec 2018


Wasn’t expecting Satono Diamond to lose again, it definitely seemed like her declaration from before was setting her win in stone but I’m pleasantly surprised, not that I want her to lose but I like that I’m being surprised lol. It sucks she lost because of her horseshoe malfunctioning tho, definitely unfortunate but I’m sure her time will come eventually.

And I really liked Duramente’s brief villain arc, I really wish it could have gone on longer but her losing alongside Kitasan was enough to have them settle their differences, it’s probably hard to ignore Kitasan’s glowing personality for too long too lol. And speaking of the two of them losing, I had a feeling something was gonna come out of left field because I noticed they focused on River Light earlier on in the race, and she ended up coming out on top lol, I love that stuff like that can happen, just someone you completely wouldn’t expect because you’re so focused on the main characters, that’s just horse racing for you too.

Nov 1, 2023 3:30 PM




Jan 2015


People should undrestand that this series is almost documental one in fact.
And what you expect based on results/buildup/whatever is heavily scwered by the harsh reality of real sport. Real sport has no plot armor and anything can happen, injuries kill promising careers in a blink of an eye and no matter how motivated you are and how hard you train this may still be not enough because sport doesn't care about this. Result is what matters.

Nov 1, 2023 4:39 PM




Feb 2014


Finally they namedropped Vivlos, the other one left

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (24)

悲しい… 悲しいわ…
あなたも… 私 “たち” の中に… 取り込んであげる。

Nov 1, 2023 7:21 PM




Mar 2022


Ashhk said:
I like Kitasan and Duramente's relationship in the end, meanwhile River Light really won the race xD

and her VA is even not shown in ED……

Nov 1, 2023 7:52 PM




May 2017


"Who are you?"
-- Duramente

(blasting a laugh from Kitasan Black's reaction)

Mene, mene, tekel, parsin

Nov 1, 2023 10:59 PM




Feb 2016



Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (26)
MEET THE NEXT BEST UMA THAT WILL NEVER BE IN THE GAME BECAUSE "RIVER LIGHT" DIDN'T EVEN EXIST (the real name of the horse was Marialite but I guess they didn't get the right to use it)
She was really damn cute, so I'm ok with this.

Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (27)

Nov 1, 2023 11:32 PM




Mar 2022


Kitasan Black really is quite different from Teio despite looking up to her so much. As far as anime goes, I can't help but feel she lack the urge to win a bit compared to those around her. Suzuka desired the front view in a race, Special Week wanted to make her mom proud and Teio longed to be like Symboli Rudolf, while Kitasan Black seem to be too naive to have the same kind of desire. Being physically very tough and resilient seem to be her one specialty. And I felt kinda bad the surprise winner of the race was portraited as just a random girl and brushed off. Also are we just not gonna mention once the existence of winning live at all this season?

Nov 2, 2023 4:21 AM




Feb 2014


I really felt for Satono Diamond. It's one of the most frustrating ways to lose a race by a literal fingernail and mainly because her horseshoe broke on her mid-race. Hopefully she can break the Satono jinx one of these days. =(

Duramente finally made her return and it was certainly interesting to see her and Kitasan Black have a conversation since the pair didn't bring their umbrellas. Still, despite Duramente not knowing who Kitasan Black was, Kitasan did use this time to showcase herself to Dursmente, showing her newfound determination from her training and recent victory to beat her in the upcoming race.

As for the main race itself, Duramente didn't seem to be at her best and was pushing beyond her limit and pain barrier in her crushing drive to win. While she did beat Kitasan Black, the pair lost to an unknown, River Light. I do admit that seeing River Light cheering in the background while Kitasan and Duramente were talking to each other post-race was very cute. =)

Still, at least this race did end with Kitasan and Duramente acknowledging each other as friends and rivals. Duramente even smiled herself for the very first time, which I'm glad to see.

All in all, this was a great episode, both for close action as well as satisfying character development.

Nov 2, 2023 6:25 PM




Apr 2020


NICE BOAT appeared after the interview got cut short🤣

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (31)

Nov 3, 2023 1:10 AM




Jan 2015


IRL Marialite (River Light) was top-8 favourite to win, Duramente was top-1 and Kitasan was top-2.
So it was literally "who is it" moment.

Nov 3, 2023 6:30 AM




Jan 2017


omfg both Kitasan and Duramente lost to a literal unknown, LONG LIVE THE UNPREDICTABLE NATURE OF HORSE RACING

but ayyy looks like it's the start of both friendship formed from mutual loss

Nov 4, 2023 11:10 PM




Oct 2013


StallionXD said:

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (34)
MEET THE NEXT BEST UMA THAT WILL NEVER BE IN THE GAME BECAUSE "RIVER LIGHT" DIDN'T EVEN EXIST (the real name of the horse was Marialite but I guess they didn't get the right to use it)
She was really damn cute, so I'm ok with this.

thanks for the real name!
I always like to look up the real horse and couldn't find her!

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (35)

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (36)

Nov 5, 2023 1:33 AM




Feb 2016


Reply to Collins89

StallionXD said:

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (38)
MEET THE NEXT BEST UMA THAT WILL NEVER BE IN THE GAME BECAUSE "RIVER LIGHT" DIDN'T EVEN EXIST (the real name of the horse was Marialite but I guess they didn't get the right to use it)
She was really damn cute, so I'm ok with this.

thanks for the real name!
I always like to look up the real horse and couldn't find her!

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (39)

@Collins89 I use to look for this stuff, most of the horses have their race history in it, Kitasan only ran in the TAKARAZUKA KINEN once so this girl has to be Marialite, in her profile it also shows the same race with Duramente as 2nd place so I have no doubts about it.

It's cool to know I'm not the only one doing this, but be careful because it can spoil the results of every race lol
I try to only look at the name of the races and then at the position and winner, mostly after seeing said race in the anime.

btw, what a classic Hakase-nyan gif you have there, I like you too!

Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (40)

Nov 5, 2023 1:54 AM




Oct 2013


StallionXD said:
@Collins89 I use to look for this stuff, most of the horses have their race history in it, Kitasan only ran in the TAKARAZUKA KINEN once so this girl has to be Marialite, in her profile it also shows the same race with Duramente as 2nd place so I have no doubts about it.

It's cool to know I'm not the only one doing this, but be careful because it can spoil the results of every race lol
I try to only look at the name of the races and then at the position and winner, mostly after seeing said race in the anime.

btw, what a classic Hakase-nyan gif you have there, I like you too!

you can never go wrong with a good hakase gif?

ok thx for the site I'll use it from now on. but yeah you have to be right, I saw the same race finishing position as the show and was like dang you couldn't write better plots!

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (42)

Nov 5, 2023 3:07 PM




Jan 2015


Reply to Collins89

StallionXD said:
@Collins89 I use to look for this stuff, most of the horses have their race history in it, Kitasan only ran in the TAKARAZUKA KINEN once so this girl has to be Marialite, in her profile it also shows the same race with Duramente as 2nd place so I have no doubts about it.

It's cool to know I'm not the only one doing this, but be careful because it can spoil the results of every race lol
I try to only look at the name of the races and then at the position and winner, mostly after seeing said race in the anime.

btw, what a classic Hakase-nyan gif you have there, I like you too!

you can never go wrong with a good hakase gif?

ok thx for the site I'll use it from now on. but yeah you have to be right, I saw the same race finishing position as the show and was like dang you couldn't write better plots!

@Collins89 show usually follows real life races really closely, with race dynamic/fan favourites/starting positions/commentary (yes, it's just voiced over but text is the same as original one, at least it was in season 2 in rice shower race), albeit sometimes they skip smth or switch smth a bit.
This season I think they switched takarazuka kinen and tenno sho autumn for storytelling purposes since IRL takarazuka kinen should be after tenno sho but kitasan have never ran 3200 tenno sho yet in the anime.

Nov 8, 2023 8:50 AM




Jul 2017


Time again and again, Satono Diamond, like Kitasan, has been defeated by the hair's breadth, and especially in the G1 race where she's supposed to break this off, the curse isn't going all away. But Duramente's return after her fated injury, to then an overseas competition (the prestigious Prix de I'Arc de Triomphe) and coming back to win the Takarazuka Kinen, failure is not an option for her, which sends shockwaves to Team Spica, especially to Kitasan. But she has improved, so the results will speak for themselves on the racecourse.

The fated challenger and winner meeting on a rainy day, and Kitasan started a conversation with Duramente, which as indeed per the interview, all th Japanese Derby races were stepping stones to her to enter Europe's prestigious race. But the cheek for the latter to forget Kitasan's name, the enrage transferred to the training for the Takarazuka Kinen, where both the festival girl, the monster, and Satono Diamond's twin sister Satono Crown return to the racecourse once more to prove their stances. And this time...the winner went to a nobody that was neither Kitansan nor Duramente, who's fighting her own shortcomings and has now acknowledged the former for being a strong competitor.

Here's to both the festival girl and monster, that their race together next time will be a fierce one.

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (44)

Nov 16, 2023 10:40 AM




Oct 2017


Who? No really who lol? Kitasan's reaction really sums it up. Sucks that she didn't win again.

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (46)

Nov 17, 2023 9:12 PM




Apr 2016


Reply to Vizvezdenec

@Collins89 show usually follows real life races really closely, with race dynamic/fan favourites/starting positions/commentary (yes, it's just voiced over but text is the same as original one, at least it was in season 2 in rice shower race), albeit sometimes they skip smth or switch smth a bit.
This season I think they switched takarazuka kinen and tenno sho autumn for storytelling purposes since IRL takarazuka kinen should be after tenno sho but kitasan have never ran 3200 tenno sho yet in the anime.

@Vizvezdenec The Spring Tenno Sho was shown in the anime, but it was a slide show at the end of one episode, along with the rubik cube with 2 complete sides representing 2 GI wins.

Nov 18, 2023 1:25 PM




Jan 2015


Reply to shadowbringer616

@Vizvezdenec The Spring Tenno Sho was shown in the anime, but it was a slide show at the end of one episode, along with the rubik cube with 2 complete sides representing 2 GI wins.

@shadowbringer616 oh, ofc, ep 4. Silly from me to forget this.

Dec 29, 2023 9:43 PM




Nov 2009


LOL @ River Light bouncing around excited in the back while the real MCs were talking, LOL

Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*

Mar 12, 2:13 PM




Mar 2013


Reply to StallionXD


Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (49)
MEET THE NEXT BEST UMA THAT WILL NEVER BE IN THE GAME BECAUSE "RIVER LIGHT" DIDN'T EVEN EXIST (the real name of the horse was Marialite but I guess they didn't get the right to use it)
She was really damn cute, so I'm ok with this.

@StallionXD Her celebrating in the background during drama resolve was killing me, it's actualy great how they can even turn copyright problem into a joke in the show (who are you ???)

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Uma Musume: Pretty Derby Season 3 Episode 5 Discussion (2025)
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